Top Five Moments from this week! 

1.We have done loads of learning about money! We have recognised coins, added coins together, found different combinations of coins that total the same amount and solved word problems. 

2. In Science, we have been learning about the characteristics of birds, such as they all have beaks, they all have feathers, female birds lay eggs and not all birds fly. 

3. We have played football with Dan the Football Coach and we have learnt some new gymnastic combinations in PE. 

4. We learnt about the differences between life in 1605 (when Guy Fawkes plotted against King James I) and the present day. 

5. The big special news of the week, is we have adopted a class orang-utan called Reike. We have all got our own certificate and picture. 

Merit  Certificate - Noah 

Merit Certificate - Logan

Star of the Week - Lucas 

Good Friend Award - Archie 

Football Award - Logan