Happy new year to you all and welcome back to you all after the Christmas break. It has been lovely this week to hear all about the fun family times you have had together during the half term.

We have started new topics in all our subjects this week:

English - Fairy-tales

SPAG - Suffixes

Maths - Place value, rounding and ordering numbers

Science - Materials and their properties

History - Learning about significant people in History starting with Florence Nightingale

PSHCE - Feeling safe

RE - Hinduism

PE - Dance and circuit training (football next week with AFC Fylde)

Art - Claude Monets life and his work

Computing - Photographs

There is something for everybody to thoroughly enjoy this term, and I hope that new skills will be developed and lots of new key learning will be remembered.

We are having a big focus on presentation throughout the whole school this term. All children are expected to take their time working carefully and neatly. In year 2 we expect sentences to start with a capital letter, have finger spaces, letters of the same size on the lines and end with a full stop or other appropriate punctuation. Children are encouraged to read their work back to themselves to check it for sense and meaning and locate errors they can fix independently.

Our star of the week was Kennedy