Snowdrops: The first signs of Spring - Mature Times

The first signs of spring

This week in Rainbows Class we have been looking at the first signs of spring,

On Monday we went for a spring walk and looked at things we could see, hear, think and feel, we put our ideas down and used these to start our spring poems , which we wrote on Wednesday  Mrs.Parkinson is so impressed with our poems, we all had great ideas and thoughts . On Thursday we typed these poems up on the computer.

In Phonics, we have been looking at the sounds- au,wh,tch,ore

In SPAG with Mrs Yeulett we focused on Verbs and Adverbs, we played a game and all took it in turns to act out the Verb and Adverb e had been given.

In Maths we have been looking at fractions of shapes, Lengths and numbers, we looked at ½, ¼ 1/3 and 1/5 fractions.

In Science we have continued to look at seeds and bulbs and on Monday we started an experiment to see which would grow quicker a seed or a bulb and all the children chose which flower they wanted to plant  

In PSHCE we have looked at impulsive behaviour and how to deal with it such as counting to 10, talking to a grown up, deep breaths in and out and trying to relax your mind.

In Geography we continued to look at China, looking at the differences and similarities between china and the UK, we found out that China has the second biggest population in the world and each year is named after a different animal.

In RE we looked at the key features of a Catholic church including the lectern, the tabernacle, Holy water and the cross.

This week in computing we developed research skills through searching on the internet

We had Dance with Miss Leah and football with AFC Fylde

Certificates this week –

Star- Jason

Merit-Emily.o and Ruby

Friend- Tilly

Polite- Olivia

Dance- Ruby

Football- Hana