Well its Friday already…

This week has just flown by. The weather held off just enough for us to get a few days of sports and fun in this week.

The infants had lots of fun playing football and tag rugby this week, with great help from the junior referees. It’s great to see how sensible these little ones can be when playing the games. There was lots of individual skill to be seen but when they play together as a team and score at the end of all their hard work it’s fantastic to watch.

The lower juniors had a go at tag rugby this week. Along with a game of basketball and some football, it was fun, fun, fun all the way for these guys. The levels of maturity have risen in the lower juniors and they are now able to follow the game rules and work out any differences that arise in each game. Team play and turn taking is second nature now and it helps them to really enjoy themselves. In the basketball nearly everyone involved is scoring hoops now so it’s really hard for anyone to win. A full length pitch run from Ryan was definitely the goal of the week.

The upper juniors got to play football, tag rugby and skittles this week. The games of football especially were aw-inspiring to watch this week with some professional looking team play on display. The tag rugby was played with precision, with some super passing being done. In skittles the upper juniors are now learning to make space for themselves by working backwards when the forwards path is blocked. But the football, WOW. Niall’s goal was impenetrable and believe me nearly all the other team tried. Passing, dribbling, shooting, defending and top class goalkeeping, this week had it all.

The infant sports person of the week goes to Daniel. Top player, top lad. Not much can be said for this young man other than super star. He always plays with everything he’s got and always plays the right way.

The lower junior sports person of the week goes to Oliver. With not one but two backwards hoops scored he topped the basketball table for points scored. That was after he asked to take charge of a game of football and he was a top referee. Lead the game well and shouldered the responsibility like a pro.

The upper junior sports person of the week goes to Jackson. These sports wouldn’t be the same without him, enthusiasm energy, he brings everything into every game. It’s often hard to pick out a stand out performer in these games but this week, this flying super star shone a little brighter than the rest.

Be back next Friday…