The End of the Iron Man

Four Moments in Four - 

1. We conducted an experiment about tooth hygiene, we placed eggs (representing teeth) into different liquids. They were - fizzy pop, water, milk, orange juice and soap. 

2. We have spent the week planning, writing and editing our own stories based on the works of Ted…

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Column Addition plus the Iron Man

Four in 4 - Four outstanding moments of the week:

1. We finished reading the Iron Man by Ted Hughes. 

2. Alfie joined our class and likes our Friday afternoons. 

3. We all created our own self portraits. 

4. This week we have mastered column addition. 

Star of the week -…

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The Return of Silver Class

Year 4's Four To One - the top moments of the week! 

4. Learning about the Iron Man. 

3. We have enjoyed coming back to a new (old) teacher - Mr Bamber. 

2. We have had a really good laugh this week, but done lots of learning. 

1. We have learnt all about place value in…

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Another half term completed!

Can you believe it is already the end of another half term! 

Our Silver Class top 5 moments of the week are:

1) "In Maths we have been learning how to find the area." - Logan

2) "In English we had a SPAG week, looking at prefixes and suffixes" - Lillie

3) "We made a plan our of dream…

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Weekly round up

This week in Silver class we have been busy bees once again! Here are just some of the things we have been learning about. 

1) In Mathematics we have been learning about translation using a grid and reflections using a mirror. 

2) In History we are learning more about crime and punishment,…

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Our top moments of the week!

This week we have been learning lots of new things. Here are our top 5 moments of the week. 

1) "In History we have been learning about Roman crime and punishment." - Kyra

2) "In Dance we have been learning a Chinese New Year dance." - Niamh

3) "We have been learning about negative…

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A noisy musical week!

Our top 5 moments in Silver class this week are:

1) We have been busy (and very noisily) making our own instruments. Have a look at our gallery linked below!

"I made a maraca out of a plastic bottle and some colourful tape." - Ebony

2) "In Science we also made our pan pipes. They helped…

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Silver Class Top 5 moments

This week we have been very busy in Silver class. Here are our top 5 moments of the week. 

1) We have been writing our own spooky stories in groups, ready to record our podcasts next week!

2) We celebrated Children in Need and learnt all about how our money supports the charity. 

3) In…

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Bright sparks

Image of Bright sparks

In Silver Class this week we have been very busy with lots of learning! 


Here are our top 5 moments of the week:

1) "We have been learning about conductors and insulators and making circuits to test different materials." - Isaac

2) "In Maths we have been learning to find the…

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Out of this world!

This week in Silver Class the children have been working very hard to plan and then write their biographies about Neil Armstrong. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about his life, including his famous journey to the Moon. "Did you know Neil narrowly escaped death?" - Viaan

In Science, we…

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Guest Blogger - Viaan

Hello from Silver Class! 

These are our top 5 moments this week. 

1) We have done reading skills and our reading skills book is The Twits.

2) Today AFC Fylde came in and we played bench ball and dodgeball in PE. 

3) In English we have been writing notes for our biography about Neil…

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Short but sweet!

Our top 5 moments in Silver class this week -

1) "We have been learning about Neil Armstrong in English. We are making a timeline of his life." - Jamie

2) "In Mathematics we have been converting fractions to decimals." - Archie

3) "On Tuesday we had a non-uniform day to remember the Queen…

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