Gold Class

Miss Eccles

Miss Eccles


Mr P Mearns

Mr P Mearns

Mrs E Agic

Mrs E Agic


A very warm welcome to the online home of Year 6 where you will be able to keep up to date with what is happening in Gold Class throughout the year. My name is Miss Eccles  and I am the class teacher. We are very lucky to be joined in Gold Class by Ms Schepens and Mrs Herd who will be helping me support the children throughout the year.


It is really important that everyone in Gold class has the right equipment for school each day. In PE your child will wear a t-shirt that matches their school team colour for PE. Please make sure that all PE equipment is clearly labelled with your child's name so it does not get lost and have to be replaced and that a FULL kit is in school ready for each PE lesson. Also, Spellings will be given out each Wednesday and will be tested the following Wednesday.


As you will be aware, your child will be sitting their SATS in the Summer Term. Our job is to prepare your child for these tests so that they can complete them to the very best of their ability. If you (or your child) have any questions or concerns about the SATS then please speak to one of the Year 6 team and we will be happy to help.


Finally, it is extremely important that you remember that school begins at 9.00am prompt. Your child needs to be here in time for the register each morning or they are missing valuable learning time in this crucial year. If your child is absent from school then you must ring the office and provide a valid reason why. Remember - if your child is absent from school, they are missing valuable learning time!


Gold Class Timetable


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