About Us

A very warm welcome to Pool House Community Primary School. The school was open in 1980 and was built to serve the Tanterton area of Ingol. We are happy and friendly  school and our children are at the heart of everything we do.  The school building is bright and welcoming and provides an excellent standard of education and care for families in the area.

Our children are taught in discrete year groups by dedicated and skilled teaching staff who are well supported by experienced full-time teaching assistants.

We provide well for the individual needs of pupils and respond quickly to any changes in those needs. All staff know the pupils individually and are able to support them well throughout the day because of this. Our learning mentors and social group provision further supports the needs of individual pupils.

The school uses the space within its premises to the pupil's maximum benefit. We are well resourced, ensuring  we have quality teaching and learning equipment and materials is a priority, all of our classrooms are fitted with interactive whiteboards and children have access to a range of ICT equipment.  We are lucky to have sizeable grounds with three tarmac playgrounds and large playing fields. On one of the fields is an adventure playground which the children use at break times.

Extra curricular activities and experiences are given high priority and include clubs, trips, visits, visitors into school, themed days and weeks and an annual residential trip for our Year 5 and 6 children.

The school was last inspected by OSTFED in October 2022 when the school was judged to be "Good". To view the report click here.

We always welcomed visitors and are encouraged to come and look around the school, meeting the staff and the children and discovered the warm, friendly atmosphere of our school.

Julie Cole



Headteacher - Mrs. Julie. M. Cole. BA(Hons) PGCE, NPQH, OI

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