Click here to read more about Primary School Sport Funding on the Department for Education's site.

What is the Sports Premium?

The government is providing funding of £150 million each year for academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15 to provide new and substantial primary school sport funding. The funding is jointly provided by the Department for Education, Health and Culture and Media and Sport. It will see money going directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and P.E; each school will receive £8,000 plus an extra £5 per pupil each year for the next two years - here at Pool House that will mean around £8700 a year. The money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.

Purpose of the funding

Schools will spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this. Examples include additional sport clubs, equipment to support P.E and hiring specialist P.E teachers/qualified sport coaches.

At Pool House we recognise the contribution of P.E to the health and well-being of the children. In addition, it is considered that an innovative and varied PE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of all children.

This provision is constantly under review and is monitored by Our PE co-ordinator as well as part of our routine school monitoring processes.

Sports Funding 2024-2025

Grant Received - £18056

Total number of pupils - 179


To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, sport and physical activity across the school.

To improve pupils’ fitness levels, physical skills and mental health.



Year 6 Residential




Specialist Dance Teacher


PE Equipment




Extra-Curricular Activities (staff led and bought in)

Eg:Dance, Drama, Football, Netball, Cross-Country


Playground Equipment -

Installation of new equipment on Yr3/4 playground

Maintenance and repair of Playdale



Sports Funding 2023-2024


Grant Received – £17530

Total Number of pupils- 179



To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, sport and physical activity across the school.

To improve pupils’ fitness levels, physical skills and mental health.


Pe and Sports funding expenditure




Year 6 Residential




AFC Fylde


PE Equipment




Extra-Curricular Activities (staff led and bought in)

Eg:Dance, Drama, Football, Netball, Cross-Country


Playground Equipment -

Installation of new equipment on Yr3/4 playground

Maintenance and repair of Playdale






Summary of sports funding





To provide specialist PE activities to key stage one and two pupils

Use of  outside agencies to come and deliver specialised PE lessons as well as teacher led PE lessons. All children will access a minimum of 2 hours physical activity each week.

Teaching staff develop their own skills by observing the sessions

Children benefit from additional PE lessons learning new skills

To provide the opportunity for all pupils to learn to swim before they leave primary school




Liaise with the Local leisure centre to arrange swimming lessons for the pupils in Year 6

Help children to develop skills for swimming, including life safety skills which benefits them in later life.

To provide the opportunity of Outdoor education





End of year residential trip to Tower Wood or Winmarleigh Hall, giving children the chance to develop new skills not accessible to them in the class room through a variety of adventurous outdoor activity

Children gain new experiences and skills

To provide new playground equipment

New playground equipment for all year groups.

Installation of new activity trail on Years 3 and 4 playground.

Refurbishment of Play dale Trim Trail.

This enables the children to develop their own sports skills during their free time and engage in activities with their peer group.

To run after school activities to enhance experience, skills and fitness.

A range of after school activities either school-led or agency led to provide additional opportunity for pupils across both key stages.

Improved fitness, skill development, mental health and overall wellbeing.




Sports Funding 2022-2023


Grant Received – £17450

Total Number of pupils- 176



To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, sport and physical activity across the school.

To improve pupils’ fitness levels, physical skills and mental health.


Pe and Sports funding expenditure




Year 6 Residential




AFC Fylde


PE Equipment




Extra-Curricular Activities (staff led and bought in)

Eg:Dance, Drama, Football, Netball, Cross-Country


Playground Equipment -

Installation of new equipment on Yr3/4 playground

Maintenance and repair of Playdale

£17000 (two year project)





Summary of sports funding





To provide specialist PE activities to key stage one and two pupils

Use of  outside agencies to come and deliver specialised PE lessons as well as teacher led PE lessons. All children will access a minimum of 2 hours physical activity each week.

Teaching staff develop their own skills by observing the sessions

Children benefit from additional PE lessons learning new skills

To provide the opportunity for all pupils to learn to swim before they leave primary school




Liaise with the Local leisure centre to arrange swimming lessons for the pupils in Year 6

Help children to develop skills for swimming, including life safety skills which benefits them in later life.

To provide the opportunity of Outdoor education





End of year residential trip to Tower Wood or Winmarleigh Hall, giving children the chance to develop new skills not accessible to them in the class room through a variety of adventurous outdoor activity

Children gain new experiences and skills

To provide new playground equipment

New playground  equipment for all year groups.

Installation of new activity trail on Years 3 and 4 playground.

Refurbishment of Playdale Trim Trail.

This enables the children to develop their own sports skills during their free time and engage in activities with their peer group.

To run after school activities to enhance experience, skills and fitness.

A range of after school activities either school-led or agency led to provide additional opportunity for pupils across both key stages.

Improved fitness, skill development, mental health and overall wellbeing.






Sports Funding 2021-2022


Grant Received – £33048

Total Number of pupils- 177



To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, sport and physical activity across the school.


Pe and Sports funding expenditure




Year 6 Residential




AFC Fylde


PE Equipment


Extra-Curricular Activities (staff led and bought in)




Playground Equipment






Summary of sports funding





To provide specialist PE lessons to key stage one pupils

Use of an outside agency to come and deliver specialised PE lessons

Teaching staff develop their own skills by observing the sessions

Children benefit from additional PE lessons learning new skills

To provide the opportunity of Outdoor education





End of year residential trip to Winmarleigh , giving children the chance to develop new skills they wouldn’t be able to in the class room through a variety of adventurous outdoor activity

Children gain new experiences and skills

To provide new playground equipment

We have purchased a variety of different playground equipment for the key stage 1 and key stage 2 yards.

This enables the children to develop their own sports skills during their free time and engage in activities with their friends that they enjoy.

To provide specialist PE lessons to whole school and then offer an after school club at a reduced rate

Use of an outside agency to come and deliver specialised PE lesson and afterschool club

Children benefit from additional a after school club learning new skills


Sports Funding 2020-2021


Grant Received – £33733

Total Number of pupils- 176



To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, sport and physical activity across the school.


Pe and Sports funding expenditure




Year 6 Residential




AFC Fylde


PE Equipment




Extra-Curricular Activities (staff led and bought in)


Playground Equipment






Summary of sports funding





To provide specialist PE lessons to key stage one pupils

Use of an outside agency to come and deliver specialised PE lessons

Teaching staff develop their own skills by observing the sessions

Children benefit from additional PE lessons learning new skills

To provide the opportunity for all pupils to be learn to swim before they leave primary school




Liaise with the Local leisure centre to arrange swimming lessons for the pupils in Year 6

Help children to develop skills for swimming, including life safety skills which benefits them in later life.

To provide the opportunity of Outdoor education





End of year residential trip to tower wood, giving children the chance to develop new skills they wouldn’t be able to in the class room through a variety of adventurous outdoor activity

Children gain new experiences and skills

To provide new playground equipment

We have purchased a variety of different playground equipment for the key stage 1 and key stage 2 yards.

This enables the children to develop their own sports skills during their free time and engage in activities with their friends that they enjoy.








Sports Grant Report 2019-20

Grant Received  -   £8613

Total number of FT pupils on roll


Summary of Grant Spending 2019-20


  • To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, sport and physical activity across the school.




  1. Offer subsidised after school club places to all children and free places to identified groups

Monitor take up of clubs (gender, SEN, PP, EAL, vulnerable


  1. Increase physical activity at lunchtime

Play leader to lead additional activities at lunchtime

£3,000 (Salary cost)

  1. Increase participation in Inter-school competitions

Children to compete in multi-skills competitions against cluster schools

£500 (kits)

£100 transport

  1. Promote physical activity through other curriculum subjects

FDP to deliver healthy eating and mathematics through sport – all key stages


  1. Audit PE equipment for PE/sport and physical activities in the playground

Renew and replenish equipment.

Maintain and improve outdoor play equipment.


  1. Provide all children with team colour PE tops

Purchase t-shirts for all children


  1. Up-skill teaching staff in delivery of PE and sport

Audit PE teaching in school and access appropriate CPD dependent upon need.


Sports Funding

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