Pupil Premium Statement 2024-2025
Number of pupils eligible | 67 |
Total PP received | £105250 |
In 2023-24 the Pupil Premium allocation is £102.185. The School uses the pupil premium funding in the following ways
- Learning Mentor and Social Group Provision
- Additional TA's
- Whole School resources
- Playground Development
- Residential Visit
- Theatre Trip
- Educational Visits
- Transition to school
- Specialist Teacher support
- EP Provision
- SEND resources
- To support families high on deprivation index
- Food/Clothing/Financial support
Pupil Premium Statement 2023-2024
Amount of Pupil Premium funding received 2023-2024
Number of pupils eligible |
72 |
Total PP received |
£102185 |
The School uses the pupil premium funding in the following ways
- Learning Mentor and Social Group Provision
- Additional TA's
- Whole School resources
- Playground Development
- Residential Visit
- Theatre Trip
- Educational Visits
- Transition to school
- Specialist Teacher support
- EP Provision
- SEND resources
- To support families high on deprivation index
- Food/Clothing/Financial support
Pupil Premium Statement 2022-2023
In 2022-23 the Pupil Premium allocation is £95,565. The School uses the pupil premium funding in the following ways
- Learning Mentor and Social Group Provision
- Additional TA's
- Whole School resources
- Playground Development
- Residential Visit
- Theatre Trip
- Educational Visits
- Transition to school
- Specialist Teacher support
- EP Provision
- SEND resources
- To support families high on deprivation index
- Food/Clothing/Financial support
Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022
Amount of Pupil Premium funding received 2021-2022
Number of pupils eligible |
76 |
Total PP received |
£96840 |
Identified barriers to educational achievement
Pool House has identified the following as barriers for some of the children in receipt of Pupil Premium:
- Access to language
- Access to extra-curricular activities – educational experiences such as trips, residential visits, music, theatre, arts and participation in physical activities
- Attendance
- Parental engagement with school
- Cognition and learning
- Behaviour – pupils with specific social and emotional needs which affect their learning
Pupil Premium Statement 2020-2021
In 2020-2021 the Pupil Premium allocation is £91,460 The School used the pupil premium funding in the following ways
- Learning Mentor and Social Group Provision
- Additional TA's
- Whole School resources
- Playground Development
- Residential Visit
- Specialist Teacher support
- After school clubs
Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021
Amount of Pupil Premium funding received 2020-2021
Number of pupils eligible |
70 |
Total PP received |
£91460 |
Identified barriers to educational achievement
Pool House has identified the following as barriers for some of the children in receipt of Pupil Premium:
- Access to language
- Access to extra-curricular activities – educational experiences such as trips, residential visits, music, theatre, arts and participation in physical activities
- Attendance
- Parental engagement with school
- Cognition and learning
- Behaviour – pupils with specific social and emotional needs which affect their learning
Pupil Premium Statement 2019-2020
In 2019-2020 the Pupil Premium allocation is £94,700. The School used the pupil premium funding in the following ways
- Learning Mentor and Social Group Provision
- Additional TA's
- Whole School resources
- Playground Development
- Residential Visit
- Specialist Teacher support
Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-2020
Amount of Pupil Premium funding received 2019-20
Number of pupils eligible |
70 (including 1xLAC) |
Total PP received |
£94,700 |
Identified barriers to educational achievement
Pool House has identified the following as barriers for some of the children in receipt of Pupil Premium:
- Access to language
- Access to extra curricular activities – educational experiences such as trips, residential visits, music, theatre, arts and participation in physical activities
- Attendance
- Parental engagement with school
- Cognition and learning
- Behaviour – pupils with specific social and emotional needs which affect their learning
Pupil Premium Strategy 2018-19
Amount of Pupil Premium funding received 2018-19
Number of pupils eligible |
61 (including 1xLAC) |
Total PP received |
£85,143 |
Identified barriers to educational achievement
Pool House has identified the following as barriers for some of the children in receipt of Pupil Premium:
- Access to language
- Access to extra curricular activities – educational experiences such as trips, residential visits, music, theatre, arts and participation in physical activities
- Attendance
- Parental engagement with school
- Cognition and learning
- Behaviour – pupils with specific social and emotional needs which affect their learning
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Statement 2017- 2018
In 2017-2018 the Pupil Premium allocation is £96,660. The School plans to use the Pupil Premium in the following ways:
- Learning Mentor and Social Group Provision
- Additional TA's
- Whole School resources
- Playground Development
- Residential Visit
- Specialist Teacher support