Wellbeing at Pool House School




What is well being?

The state of being or doing well in life; happy, healthy, or prosperous condition; moral or physical welfare (of a person or community).





Welcome to the Well-being page on our website.

I am Mr Bamber and I am the Well-being Coordinator at Pool House.


As well as making sure well-being is covered across the PSHCE and wider curriculum, it is my role to ensure that all our Pool House family are well equipped with skills to support their own positive well-being and mental health.


At the moment it is so important to have well-being as a priority in school as mental health issues are growing amongst youngsters and effects of the global pandemic are beginning to show in emotional and mental health.


Mental health

Is what is going on inside the child’s mind.


Emotional health

What the child is feeling, what their hearts says and how they judge situations.


What about well-being at Pool House?


We make sure that our school ethos and mission – of nurturing children through their education with us – is effective. 


It is important to make sure the mental wellbeing and pastoral care of the children, teachers and support adults is at the forefront of what we do. Putting the children’s emotional needs first.


PSHCE is an important tool for educating children on the importance of personal wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. The role of the learning mentor is crucial to our well-being approach. Mr Parkinson is there to support children who may be struggling, this can be via teacher suggestion or the children can identify their degree of need via the ‘check in wall’. Most of the teaching staff are qualified mental health first aiders and all our staff are well equipped to deal with all manner of well-being issues.


In our 2022 Well-being mission our action plan includes training all staff in school with a certified mental health first aid course, upscaling the children’s knowledge of mental health and emotional health and getting our parent/carers involved in our well-being approach.


A People Place

by William J. Crocker


If this is not a place where tears are understood,

Where do I go to cry?

If this is not a place where my spirits can take wing,

Where do I go to fly?

If this is not a place where my questions can be asked,

Where do I go to seek?

If this is not a place where my feelings can be heard,

Where do I go to speak?

If this is not a place where you’ll accept me as I am,

Where can I go to be?

If this is not a place where I can try to learn and grow,

Where can I be just me?



It has been a great privilege to have Ross McWilliam support our school in our Well-being approach to learning. He has worked with the school support staff and trained them in early signs of children’s mental health and how to support our pupil’s well-being. He was worked with the class teachers and trained them in strategies to combat stress, anxiety and negative mental health concerns and he hosted a whole day of well-being workshops with our whole school. Ross has been supporting Mr Bamber, who is our Well-being Coordinator, and has become our external Well-being Ambassador. To find out more about the work Ross does you can visit his website https://mindsetpro.co.uk/  and his website for children https://www.cuppajourney.com/



Wellbeing Resources












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