This Week in the Sunshine Class…….


We have been learning around ‘The Three Little Pigs’ Story. In Literacy the children have been doing lots of writing. They wrote lots of descriptions and quotes from the 3 little pigs, independently, by segmenting and blending their words. We are focusing on blending words this term to support writing and the children were able to write lots of words from their phonics learning this week too.

In Mathematics we have been learning about language of time, such as, before and after, yesterday, today and tomorrow, first, next and then.

In Art we have created the 3 little pig’s houses and made collages of the pigs and wolf. We also designed our own house and explained the materials it’s made from and why.

In PE we had dance with Miss Leah and we learnt how to balance with bean bags and travel while balancing bean bags, with Mrs. Singh.

It’s been a busy but fun first week back, keep it up Sunshine Class.