1. Going on our plant walk – Iraadatullah
  2. Learning how to tell the time – Cassie
  3. Catching rain in our rain catcher – Gabriela
  4. Finishing our Van Gogh paintings – Amelia
  5. Music assembly practice with Mrs Yuelett – Antos
  6. Learning New phonics sounds – Penelope
  7. We have been adding labels to pictures in English – Amina
  8. Talking about the importance of sleep – Isla
  9. Presenting our own weather forecast in our weather station – Ronnie  
  10. Building our house in the builders yard – Eden

Mrs Hudson would like to thank everybody who attended Parents Evening, it was lovely to talk with you all about your child.

Star – Iraadatullah 

Merits – Antos and Gabriela 

Polite – Magda-Rose

Friend –Ronnie