About the Pool House School Council
The School Council is here to help everybody by sharing the views and opinions of the pupils and changing things in school for the better.
In the past, the School Council have arranged Film Events, raised money for charity, bought new toys and games, changed the way we operate lunch times and even got two playgrounds for Key Stage 2.
The School Council is run by Mrs Cole and Mr Bamber.
The School Council is here to help you. Please pass on your suggestions to your class representatives.
School Council Representatives
Nevaeh - Head of School Council
Jamie and Jehanna - Year 6 Representatives
Cassius and Lucy - Year 5 Representatives
Archie and Hope - Year 4 Representatives
Jake and Patrick - Year 3 Representatives
Emilia and Zara - Year 2 and KS1 Representatives
School Council
Year 2
Year 2
Year 3
Year 3
Year 4
Year 4
Year 5
Year 5
Year 6
Year 6
Head of School Council
Mr Bamber
Mrs Cole