This week in the hall we sung a song called Chanda Mama. This song is in Hindi and was quite difficult so we need to keep practising. We also sung different action and Easter hymns.

In KS1 and foundation we have been focusing on spring and Easter. We learnt a new song Spring Chicken and played instruments along to spring in my toes. We sang counting and action songs in a big circle. We practised using feathers to keep the beat and we learnt a new song about a light and fluffy feather.

In year 3 we learnt how to play Old McDonald had a farm on the glockenspiels. It was quite tricky! Dominic and Oliver enjoyed using the chime bars and bells to play the melody instead. Some children also played on the keyboards and performed to the class. We also listened to different pieces of music and described the instruments and how we felt about the music.

In year 5 we listened to a piece of music about the moon landing. We described the music in detail and some of us are getting really good and remembering the technical language. We worked in groups to play clusters and sequences on tuned and un tuned instruments. We worked at having a beginning, middle and recognisable end to our music. Some of us performed to the rest of the class.