This week in English we have been reading different poems and identifying the different features. The children particularly enjoyed performing their own animal poem.
“Rhyming words” (Daniel)
“Repeated phrases” (Darcy)
In Maths we have been learning about subtraction. The children have been using practical resources to subtract. We have been talking about all the different vocabulary involved with subtraction.
“Take away” (Ada)
“Minus” (Arham)
“Less” (Kayleigh)
In Science this week we have been learning about the different parts of a plant and tree and using the correct vocabulary to describe them.
“A tree has leaves” (Esther)
“A flower has petals” (Philip)
In R.E the children have been developing their knowledge of Islam. The children have been learning about where Muslims pray, and what can been seen inside the mosque. Try and challenge your child to see if they can tell you what the minaret is!
In P.E we have been learning how to bounce a ball and control it.
“It was easy bouncing the large ball.” (Reegan)
Merit certificate winner are - Drew and Reegan.
Moonbeam’s star of the week - Lily-May
Sports person of the week - Alan
Have a lovely long weekend break. See you on Tuesday morning. J