Busy Bees


Busy Bees

The last two weeks have been super busy with us practising for our SATs Tests and then sitting them this week. Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Hudson and Mrs Bradley are so happy with us…

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Its warming up outside

In English we have been looking into how to look after pets. We started the week having a class debate about having a rat or a lion as a pet. 2 groups were for having the pet and 2 groups were against having the pets. We had some really good points. We have also written instructions all about what…

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A Warm Welcome back

Welcome back Rainbow Class


What a fantastic first week back it has been, we have all come back with such positive attitudes, Mrs. Parkinson is so impressed!

We have been reading the E-book ‘The whole truth’ in English and predicting what we think will happen next, we acted out the…

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The first signs of spring!

Snowdrops: The first signs of Spring - Mature Times

The first signs of spring

This week in Rainbows Class we have been looking at the first signs of spring,

On Monday we went for a spring walk and looked at things we could see, hear, think and feel, we put our ideas down and used these to start our spring poems , which we wrote on…

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Wellbeing Week

Wellbeing Week – Our Voice Matters

We have explored our feelings and how we feel safe

Everybody has learnt the power of a compliment

Lots of time has been spent on connecting with each other

Listening carefully has been a priority

Brilliant skills have been developed during our…

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New year, new term, new fun and learning

Happy new year to you all and welcome back to you all after the Christmas break. It has been lovely this week to hear all about the fun family times you have had together during the half term.

We have started new topics in all our subjects this week:

English - Fairy-tales


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A Festive few weeks in Rainbow Class

Full of festive cheer

What a busy 4 weeks we have had. The season to have fun, celebrate and show each other just how much we care. And there has been so much to celebrate. The nativity was absolutely amazing and we were so proud of every single person who took part. Learning lines, songs and…

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United Rainbow Class

We have had a very busy week again in Rainbow class and done some very clever work which I am very proud of.

We started the week off thinking about all the different kinds of sentences we could have; statements, exclamations, questions and commands. Each day we have looked at these in more…

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Rainbow class is alive and kicking!

What another super week in Rainbow class. I am really impressed with all the children’s work this week and how hard we are trying to work neatly in our books. We have had lots of laughter and time to celebrate how brilliant we all are as individuals.

This week we have learned about the…

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A wonderful first week in Rainbow class

We have had a wonderful first week in Rainbow class.

This week we have

  • Drawn and painted our self portraits
  • Done some throwing and catching during P.E
  • Practiced our spellings
  • Read to a teacher everyday
  • Explored the big apparatus in the hall during P.E
  • Looked at our 2, 5 and 10…
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Wonderful week in Rainbow Class

What wonderful four day week in Rainbow class. Blog by Ava-Mae .  

This week I have really enjoyed designing a secret worker in Charlie and the Chocolate factory. We have been outside lots this week in Maths and Science. 
We have been looking for minibeasts in their habitats and…

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Rainbow blog by Junior

My favourite moments this week by Junior

1. Going outside on the yard to do our division work. 

2. Auditioning for Pool House has Talent

3. Working on using different connectives in our work.

4. The mini skills games we played in P.E, I enjoyed using a football to dribble round cones…

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