In English we have been looking into how to look after pets. We started the week having a class debate about having a rat or a lion as a pet. 2 groups were for having the pet and 2 groups were against having the pets. We had some really good points. We have also written instructions all about what we need to do to care for a pet. 

During Mathematics this week we have been talking about temperatures. We collected data to find out which room in school is the warmest. We also had a bit of fun checking each others temperature.

Our Science this week has been about identifying a variety of plants and their habitats. We had a walk around the area, drawing the plants and then finding out about them.

We had dance with Miss Leah on Tuesday and an afternoon of rounders with Mrs Parkinson on Thursday.

Our certificate winners this week are

Star of the week - Lucian

Merit certificates - Matilda W and JJ

Good friend - Olivia

Polite award - Emilia