Its warming up outside

In English we have been looking into how to look after pets. We started the week having a class debate about having a rat or a lion as a pet. 2 groups were for having the pet and 2 groups were against having the pets. We had some really good points. We have also written instructions all about what…

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Tickle those taste buds.... a balanced diet of chocolate and salad!

Our top ten moments of the week

“Multiplication speed challenge and our number bond speed test was really good” (JJ)

“Learning all about money and where it comes from in PSHXE” (Helen)

“Doing our spelling test and getting full marks” (Most the class)

“Designing our own crucifixes”…

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A wonderful first week in Rainbow class

We have had a wonderful first week in Rainbow class.

This week we have

  • Drawn and painted our self portraits
  • Done some throwing and catching during P.E
  • Practiced our spellings
  • Read to a teacher everyday
  • Explored the big apparatus in the hall during P.E
  • Looked at our 2, 5 and 10…
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Rainbow blog by Junior

My favourite moments this week by Junior

1. Going outside on the yard to do our division work. 

2. Auditioning for Pool House has Talent

3. Working on using different connectives in our work.

4. The mini skills games we played in P.E, I enjoyed using a football to dribble round cones…

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Rainbow Class Blog By Jessica

My favourites things this week by Jessica

1. Learning about verbs in English. (Smiling, running, skipping)

2. Dancing to high school musical with Miss Leah.

3. Flipping pancakes and then tasting them on pancake day.

4. Throwing and catching in PE outside.

5. Learning about plants…

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Rainbow blog By Zara

This week we have been writing our own stories, we made them into a book. My story was called the 2 little pigs. 

On Tuesday I went to West View leisure centre to do a mini skills competition with Essie, Reis, Junior, Beau and Bonnie-Rae. My favourite one was the relay baton race, we had to run…

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It’s Friday

Wow Friday has come round again quickly. 

This week in Rainbow class we have continued with our twisted tales topic in English. Looking at and discussing different settings. They described their own characters using adjectives.

We have been learning about capacity in Maths, the children did…

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Our top moments this week in Rainbow

1. Looking at the twisted tale story of Maximus and the beanstalk.

2. Playing rounding rockets in Mathematics. 

3. Learning a dance routine to some Chinese music with Miss Leah.

4. Making fact sheets all about China.

5. Making some plaiting patterns using wool in our Art…

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all.

Week one of 2023 has been a short but busy week in year 2.

The children started the week by writing some fantastic diary entries all about their Christmas holidays.

This week we have started a new topic on fairytales in English, discussing the features that a…

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Lets all have a boogie

This week we have started our Nativity Boogie Woogie. If the children have a narator part they will bring their scripts home to practice.

English this week we have looked at verbs 

Maths we have started learning about fractions

History we looked at the key events and people in the…

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"Can you keep an Orangutan as a pet"?

Our big question is "Can you keep an Orangutan as a pet"?

In English this week we have been learning about Orangutans. Researching and creating fact files to be able to answer the big question.

"Orangutans like to eat sticks" Harley

"Orangutans need lots of space to swing around"…

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A short but super week

Our top 5 moments this week

1. Learning all about Orangutans.

2. Counting forwards and backwards in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s.

3. Talking all about our own families. 

4. Making Bonfire pictures using lots of glitter.

5. On Friday afternoon we watched the pantomime Beauty and the…

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