Clever little puppies

What an exciting week we have had in Sunshine class with our different celebrations.  Pancake Day on Tuesday proved a flipping good time, and we are happy to report that every child tried their pancakes.  Our world book day Dalmatian spectacular was fabulous. Everybody looked amazing in their…

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What a busy first week back

Unfortunately this week Mrs Parkinson has been off sick. The children have kept in contact with her by writing letters to her in our key groups. On Monday Mrs Parkinson sent each group a game to play and a letter asking us all about our half term, the children wrote back telling her something they…

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The sky is the limit

Our heads have been in the sky this week with the class enjoying our new airport role play area. We have flown to a host of different destinations from visiting Mickey in America, to China to celebrate their new year.

The children have joined in with the Chinese festivities this week. We have…

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Fact or Fiction

What a week we have had in sunshine class. In English we have continued with our topic, Polar Regions and we couldn’t have asked for more suitable weather conditions to inspire the children. This week have learnt about the differences between fiction and non fiction books which I’m sure you will…

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Waddling through the week

This week we have embraced the cold weather and have been learning all about penguins and their habitats. On Monday morning a suitcase was found in our classroom. The contents were somewhat different from normal as it contained snowballs, a small can of sardines and a small picnic blanket. We had…

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Is the glass half full or half empty

This week Mrs White has been teaching the class lots of new skills. In maths they have covered capacity; measuring out liquids to see which containers hold the most, finding half full, full and empty.  The class have enjoyed the practical skills pouring the liquids from one container to…

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Happy New Year

It has been lovely having Sunshine class back at school this week, all of the teachers have missed their smiley faces. Everybody has enjoyed being back with their friends and sharing their Christmas experiences.

This week we have been reading the story of The Three little Pigs and acting out…

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It’s the final countdown

This week has been absolutely jam packed full of festive fun. We have enjoyed our Christmas party, where we danced and played lots of games. Prizes were given to the best dancers and winners of the games.

We have also taken part in a key stage 1 quiz, made up of 3 rounds (pictures, music and…

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Lights, camel, action!

We are very proud of everybody in sunshine class this week. Everybody was fantastic in the nativity, they all looked beautiful and were very brave on stage. We hope you enjoyed the performance.

We have been extremely busy making cards and gifts to bring home, we hope you enjoy opening these and…

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A case of the missing porridge......

This week has flown by, so we must have been having fun.  It all began when Mrs Parkinsons porridge was mysteriously eaten on Monday morning. We believe Goldilocks was the culprit, so we hope she doesn’t return to cause any further mischief.

As we have spent a lot more time preparing our…

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How can I help you?

Another amazing week over with, and how time flies when we are having fun. 

We have enjoyed finding out more about people who help us, playing particular attention to the jobs of a police officer. We were extra lucky to have a visit from 2 police officers on Thursday afternoon, (Please see our…

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People who help us

This week has been centered around people who help us. We have found out about lots of different jobs and the things people might do at work to help others.

We went for a big walk on Monday to find people in our community who help such as the Doctors and the Dentist.

We have a super police…

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