Sunshine Class!

This week in Sunshine Class……


We have been focusing on the story, “The Tiger who came to Tea”. In English the children have been discussing and writing, all about Tigers. The children also labelled their very own can of Tiger food.

In Mathematics the children have been learning how to…

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Sunshine Class

This week in Sunshine Class…..


We have been focusing on volume and capacity in Mathematics.

We have been learning and writing about the seaside.

In Continous Provision we have enjoyed lots of under the sea activites, including learning about Pirates.

We read lots of pirate books…

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The Sun is Out!

Image of The Sun is Out!

This week in Sunshine Class…….


We have been reading the Rainbow Fish story. We then focused on what is ‘Under the Sea’. We created our own Rainbow Fish, Our own Jelly Fish and we wrote about creatures under the sea, by describing them.

In Maths we have focusing on double numbers and odd…

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Who helps us?

This week in Sunshine Class we have started our new topic People who help us?

We have had lots of discussions about people who help us in school, at home and in our community and over the next couple of weeks we are going to be learning about them in more detail.


On our welly Wednesday…

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Sunshine Wonderland

Sunshine Wonderland

What a fun week we have had in Sunshine class!

On Wednesday it was world music day, each class got given a genre of music to perform to the rest of the school, and our genre was ‘The 70s’. Mrs Parkinson brought in her record player and lots of vinyl records, we had so…

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Under the Sea

Under the sea



Following on from our topic of the Rainbow fish, this week we have been learning all about under the sea animals, we have wrote facts about our favourite sea animals and have drawn pictures. We did some research on how to look after the sea and we designed a poster on how to protect the sea by not putting rubbish in it and using less plastic.

In Phonics we have been re capping our sounds, going over our high frequency words, writing letters to the Rainbow fish, telling the fish what we think of her. We have also been looking at pictures and stories and predicting what we think will happen.

In Maths we have been recapping number bonds, odd and even numbers, number formation and solving word problems.

It has been super hot this week so we have kept ourselves safe by staying in the shade, enjoying lots of water play and keeping hydrated.


This week’s certificates go to –

Star- Kyron

Merits- Lillie and Oliver

Friend- Hudson

Well done!

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The Rainbow fish

The Rainbow Fish

What a lovely, busy first week back after half term!

This week our topic is The Rainbow Fish, we have been really enjoying this Topic so far, we have been doing lots of crafts, collaging our own Rainbow fish and making star fish.

In maths we have been focusing on Odd…

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Adventure to the Library

Adventure to the Library 

This week was so exciting in sunshine class,

This week we have learnt all about Non -Fiction books and why they are different to fiction books. On Tuesday we went on a very special visit to the library, we had such a good time looking at all the books. The librarian…

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Springing Back to School

Springing back to school

This week has been all about settling into new routines and accessing even more activities. Our topic this week has been “Eggs” we have learnt all about the different animals that are born from eggs and the groups they come from (insects, reptiles, fish, birds,…

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Spring is Coming!

Spring is coming

Sunshine class have been learning all about spring this week, we went for a spring walk , finding the first signs of spring and then we discussed what we had found , we wrote some fantastic spring poems too !

Phonics has been so much fun this week, we have been recapping our…

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Will it sink or will it float?

This week we have continued learning about the Gingerbread Man. We have been thinking about different ways The Gingerbread Man could cross the river.

" He could climb over a bridge" Lillie

" He could ride on a bird" Bobby

"He could go in a helicopter" Coby

"He could go in a boat"…

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You Can't Catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!!

You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread man!

This week has been a very exciting week, on Monday we went upstairs to the staff room to bake Gingerbread Men, and we all had a go at adding the ingredients and mixing them. While our Gingerbread men were baking we buddied up with year 5 and read to…

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