Welcome to Rainbow class!

Rainbow Class

Mrs S Parkinson

Mrs S Parkinson

Mrs C Bradley

Mrs C Bradley

Mrs Dorota

Mrs Dorota


Welcome to Rainbow Class.

This is the online home of Year 2 and this is where you can get up to date information about what is happening in our class. Mrs Parkinson is our class teacher, she is supported by Mrs Bradley and Mrs Dortota. Please read our blog which we aim to publish weekly to find all the up to date information on what we have been learning in class.

We try to learn through having lots of fun. We have created our own class charter for how we are all going to be safe and look after each other in Rainbow class. We think it is important  to always be happy and feel safe. We are going to try hard to show respect to each other at all times and be kind and polite.

Each week we will hand out a list of spellings to learn for a test the following Friday, We will be learning our spellings every day in our groups.

This year we will have a big push on learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables off by heart and the corresponding division facts.

Please also ensure your child has their reading book in school every day as we read 3 times a week in class. Children should all read each night at home also.

If you have any queries or questions about Rainbow class, please do not hesitate to email sparkinson@poolhouse.lancs.sch.uk and I will respond as soon as possible. 

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