Welcome to Diamond Class!

Diamond Class

Mrs G Yeulett

Mrs G Yeulett

Mrs A Miller

Mrs A Miller

Teaching Assistant

Mrs B Bradbury

Mrs B Bradbury

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Diamond Class.


A big warm welcome to Diamond Class. My name is Mrs Yeulett and I am the class teacher. On our webpage you will find out all the information you need to know about our class.


Each Monday we will hand out and post on the class page, a list of spellings to learn for a test. Our spelling tests will be every Friday afternoon. Learning spellings each week is not only important for spelling tests, but will also help your child improve the quality of their written work.


Children must come to school each day ready for their learning, this includes having the correct equipment. The children need a book bag, in their book bags must be their reading book and their reading record and their spelling book. Full equipment also includes a pair of PE pumps in school at all times. 


Please remember all PE kits and school uniforms need to be clearly labelled with the children’s name.


Thank you, 

Mrs Yeulett 


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