This week Mrs White has been teaching the class lots of new skills. In maths they have covered capacity; measuring out liquids to see which containers hold the most, finding half full, full and empty. The class have enjoyed the practical skills pouring the liquids from one container to another.
During the afternoons they have been carrying on their materials investigations and have created a lovely display in the classroom showing the materials journey they have been on.
As we have continued with the story of the 3 Little Pigs we have also created some wonderful writing in small groups, retelling the story in our own words. Children have covered three new sounds in phonics; ch, sh, qu. We have been playing bingo and smartboard games to help us remember these sounds.
Sunshine class enjoyed PE again this week, playing football. Our certificate winners were Noah and Sapphire.
With the weather being a bit brighter 2 afternoons we have finally been able to venture outdoors and enjoy some fresh air. On Wednesday we had the bikes out and worked on following instructions and following directions.
This week we have awarded the star of the week to Lillie
Our merit awards are for Aleks who has done some wonderful number work for Mrs Carney, and Isaac C for excellent work all week and trying hard with his speech and language with Mrs Bradley.