Wow. What a week we have had here in Moonbeam class. Mrs Dorota and I couldn’t wait to see the children again on Monday and we have all had a wonderful time, sharing our Christmas adventures and stories and the children have been so excited to see their friends again.


Our week started off by making new years resolutions and goals that we would like to achieve this year.

“I would like to be able to climb a ladder by myself” Filza.

“I want to get better with my reading” Damian.

“I want to help the homeless” Elle.

“I want to help people when they have fallen down because I can help them feel better” Harrison.

Part of our English topic this half term is fariytales and we have started this week by looking at Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Our favourite part is ‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?’ On Tuesday we had football development in School and the children worked so well and listened really carefully.  Also this week, have been experimenting with weights and comparing different objects, first estimating then using balancing scales to see if we were right or not. I am so impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and effort this week; they have all tried their best and worked really hard all week.


As with every week in School, we have been working towards 100% attendance. We got to Thursday afternoon and all children had been in School every day. So Friday came and the children were very excited about getting a certificate and their treats for being in every day, because WE DID IT! The children and I were so happy as this is the first week we have managed it. We had a games afternoon on Friday after playtime and played party games along with other prizes and treats.


This week our merit certificates were awarded to Ines for her amazing effort in her work all week, which has been of a very high standard, and to Harrison for his fantastic comprehension skills and understanding shown in our English lessons.

Our star of the week was Leyton who brightens up our days with his wonderful smile and amazing manners.

Our football stars this week were Toby and Mya.

Well done everyone!


Have a lovely weekend x