Scottish Sunshiners

With Burns Night coming up at the end of the week, we have learnt all about Scotland and Burns Night.

Our learning has included:

- A Scottish highland dance to traditional bagpipe music, which we also performed for the rest of School

- Trying traditional Scottish food such as tattie…

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Winter Wonderland

This week we have continued our topic on Winter. We have explored the Antarctica, the Artic Circle and other places on Earth that are known for their cold weather. We have discussed and researched animals that live in cold climates compared to hot climates and why, how people live and survive…

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Christmas countdown

Image of Christmas countdown

Our penultimate week of Autumn Term 2 has been one to remember!

We have performed our ‘Boogie Woogie Nativity’ to our families and friends and all of the children did a marvellous job. We are very proud of them all.

Also this week we have enjoyed singing Christmas songs and starting our…

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A boogie woogie week

We have had a fantastic week and we have started rehearsing our Nativity in the hall; with Sunshine and Rainbow classes and we have worked so hard with singing our songs, learning our lines and dancing in front of others.

We have learnt about the Nativity and the birth of Jesus in our R.E…

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Short but sweet

Image of Short but sweet

We have had a short but sweet week with only three days in School.

- We have recapped the sounds ‘ar’ and ‘ear’ in Phonics.

- We created mud pie poems.

- We learnt about counting on in multiples of five in Mathematics.

- We discussed and celebrated our own and others strengths.


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The Big Green Dragon!

On Monday morning we had a surprise in our classroom! The Big Green Dragon had visited our classroom on Sunday night, leaving a letter and a lot of mess in our classroom. We cleaned it up, read the letter and then looked for clues on how he got in. On Tuesday we wrote letters to the Dragon and…

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Top five moments of the week

Our top five moment of the week:

  1. We foraged for some materials to paint with in our Art lesson with Mrs Dorota.
  2. We explored and compared the structure of animals in Science.
  3. In Mathematics we have looked at 2D shapes.
  4. We have made inferences about a picture in our Reading Skills…
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A wonderful week

This week:

- We enjoyed celebrating the Queen on Tuesday as we made cards, performed to ‘Dancing Queen’ with Miss Leah in dance and designed new postcards for King Charles.

- We experimented with colour mixing in Art with Mrs Dorota.

- In History we explored toys from the past.

- In…

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A fabulous four day week

We have had a fabulous four day week in Moonbeam Class and here are some of our highlights:

- We have enjoyed using bee bots as part of our direction and position work in Mathematics.

- We explored our similarities and what we have in common with our friends in PSHCE.

- In Geography we…

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Feeling hot, hot, hot!

We have had a wonderful week this week to match the wonderful weather.

- In English we have started our new poetry topic and written poems about our favourite cuddly toys.

- In Mathematics we have identified and ordered days of the week and months of the year and then answered questions…

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Phonics superstars!

Image of Phonics superstars!

The children have done amazingly well in their Phonics Screening this week and we are  incredibly proud of them all. We celebrated their fantastic efforts this afternoon by having a slush, courtesy of the PTFA. A huge thank you to Mrs Bradley and Mr Parkinson.


Certificate Winners


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Busy bees in Moonbeam

We have been busy bees this week!

This week we have finished our English fictional topic of fantastic voyages. We have compared the two main characters from each of our texts and looked at similarities and differences between them. On Friday we acted out ‘Dougal’s Deep-Sea Diary’ and the…

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