On Monday morning we had a surprise in our classroom! The Big Green Dragon had visited our classroom on Sunday night, leaving a letter and a lot of mess in our classroom. We cleaned it up, read the letter and then looked for clues on how he got in. On Tuesday we wrote letters to the Dragon and included lots of questions for him. Some children also invited him for a picnic, requested for him to come back and see us and told him that we would be his friends.

Also this week, we have found properties of 2D shapes and then made pictures using 2D shapes in Mathematics. In Science we explored types of animals that are amphibians, mammals, birds, fish and reptiles. The children thoroughly enjoyed this lesson and they could recall key facts about each type of animal. In Art with Mrs Dorota the children made textured autumnal pictures using materials such as sand and leaves. In Phonics we have recapped igh, oa and er.

We have had a wonderful week in Moonbeam Class and I am very proud of each and every member of Year 1 for their fantastic efforts and enthusiasm this week.  


Certificate winners

Star of the Week – Jason

Merit Certificate – Leo and Emilia

Good Friend Award – Emily W

Football AFC Fylde – Leo