This week we have celebrated World Book Day. 

Throughout the day we:

- Made treasure maps and found treasure

- Make pirate swords

- Took part in a pirate dance and sang pirate themed songs

- Pirate headhunters

- Enjoyed drama performances in assembly by KS2

- Shared lots of our favourite stories in class that contained pirates, with one of our favourites being 'Pirates Love Underpants'.

Also this week, we have explored one less in Mathematics, recapped 'ear', 'ar', 'ow' and 'oi' in Phonics, made flags in our key groups, created our own pirate names and explored the concept of floating and sinking in Science, by making boats in small groups and then testing our theories by putting them into the water. 

A fun filled week has been had and what a difference the sun has made to our week!

Please can we also remind you that the reading challenge is still ongoing. Lots of children have started the challenge which is so nice to see. 

Have a lovely weekend!