Our top moments this week in Rainbow

1. Looking at the twisted tale story of Maximus and the beanstalk.

2. Playing rounding rockets in Mathematics. 

3. Learning a dance routine to some Chinese music with Miss Leah.

4. Making fact sheets all about China.

5. Making some plaiting patterns using wool in our Art…

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all.

Week one of 2023 has been a short but busy week in year 2.

The children started the week by writing some fantastic diary entries all about their Christmas holidays.

This week we have started a new topic on fairytales in English, discussing the features that a…

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Lets all have a boogie

This week we have started our Nativity Boogie Woogie. If the children have a narator part they will bring their scripts home to practice.

English this week we have looked at verbs 

Maths we have started learning about fractions

History we looked at the key events and people in the…

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"Can you keep an Orangutan as a pet"?

Our big question is "Can you keep an Orangutan as a pet"?

In English this week we have been learning about Orangutans. Researching and creating fact files to be able to answer the big question.

"Orangutans like to eat sticks" Harley

"Orangutans need lots of space to swing around"…

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A short but super week

Our top 5 moments this week

1. Learning all about Orangutans.

2. Counting forwards and backwards in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s.

3. Talking all about our own families. 

4. Making Bonfire pictures using lots of glitter.

5. On Friday afternoon we watched the pantomime Beauty and the…

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Happy Half term

Image of Happy Half term

In Phonics this week we have had a phonics hunt, finding the oy sounds. We have also had a Phonics pumpkin patch in our outdoor area. The children wrote sounds on them and then on Friday all children carved their own pumpkin to take home. A big thank you to Hunter’s dad for providing the pumpkins…

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Back to school

We have had a fantastic first week in Rainbow class.

The children have settled back into school really well.


This week we have been looking at the story of ‘The Tiger who came to tea’

The children went on the laptops to research some facts about Tigers and then they wrote some…

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Marching through March

Marching through March

Top ten things we’ve done this week... 1. Written shopping lists and visited Sunshine Shop to make our purchases.

2. Typed up special messages to our mums.

3. Learned about different coins, found the right coins to shop with and added 2 small amounts together.


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Kung Hei Fat Choy!

Kung Hei Fat Choy! Here is 10 ways we have celebrated Chinese New Year this week.

1. Finding out about and making Chinese Flags.

2. Tasting different Chinese foods.

3. Listening to Chinese music.

4. Learning how to say Happy New Year in Chinese.

5. Making dragon masks.

6. Writing…

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Investigating Ice

With the colder frosty mornings this week, it has been the perfect opportunity to investigate ice. The children loved exploring the ice on Monday morning, feeling it, writing in it, warming it up, seeing how it was different in different places around the outdoor environment.

Each group have…

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Listening skills

This week we have had a challenging week with lots of children not really listening and following our instructions to the best of their abilities. Some of the Sunshine grown-ups have been disappointed with having to repeat instructions and constantly reminding the children that carpet time is…

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year

What a lovely start to the new year we have had in Sunshine class. We have enjoyed talking about our time off school and what lovely things we did with our families. We have all made new years resolutions and thought of things we would love to get better at over the course of the…

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