This week we have had a challenging week with lots of children not really listening and following our instructions to the best of their abilities. Some of the Sunshine grown-ups have been disappointed with having to repeat instructions and constantly reminding the children that carpet time is learning time. We have had a good discussion about why we need to listen and try hard with Phonics and Maths time, and following this the children all seemed more settled and focussed on their tasks.

This weeks tasks have been linked to Winter. The children have found out all about Winter and how it affects different animals. Everyone has made a Winter hibernating animal using leaves and these have gone on the wall. Children have also thought about Winter clothing that we need to keep us warm.

In Maths we have continued looking at numbers and forming them correctly. All groups have written on the windows and chalk boards outside, played card matching games, ordered the number pebbles and practiced counting to 10 or 20 from any number.

We have had our weekly football and music lessons.

This weeks star of the week is Frankie

Our merit certificates go to James and Riley for trying really hard to listen and join in during carpet times.

Our football award was given to Meme

Our friend of the week is Frankie