A very busy week in Rainbow class, the children have done some fantastic writing across all subjects.

In English we have still been looking at fairy tales. We started the week talking about alternative endings to some of our favourite fairy tales. The children wrote their own endings. Some of our favourite ones were -

The magic wore off Cinderella at 10pm instead of midnight and the prince saw that Cinderella was not a princess but still wanted to marry her anyway.

The giant in Jack and the beanstalk was a friendly giant who became friends with Jack and helped him and his mum. 

During Mathematics this week we have been working really hard on column addition and column subtraction.

In our History lessons over the past couple of weeks we have been looking at nurses and how they have changed History. We have now learnt all about Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell.

In Science we have been learning about the basic needs of animals, what they need to survive. Looking at different foods and shelters. 

We have also made some great art pieces using manmade materials in the style of Richard shilling. 

Our certificate winners this week are

Star of the week - Hudson

Merit winners - Ann and Bella

Polite award - Chloe

Good friend - Luna