Another fun-filled week-and a busy one at that! The weather couldn’t decide what to do, but luckily, Miss Ellison knew exactly what was going to happen. All of the children in Rainbow Class have worked hard in their little quizzes and it was good to work with a small number of the children in this. Well done all of you.


I have also been kept very busy, doing some phonics, English skills and working on auditory memory with other children throughout school. Jackson (year 4), Connor (year 4) and Jessica (year 3), were amazing and used ‘chunking’ (when we break information down into manageable bits), to help them to recall information they had heard. How do you help yourself to remember what you have heard? Try playing ‘I went to market…’ to see how many items you can recall. Can you beat you mum's score or someone else at home?


As I’ve been supporting Rainbow Class as they did their arithmetic papers today, we will have a number-based challenge for this week.


For the Infants:

How many am I?


1. I am a three digit number.

2. I am an odd number.

3. I am divisible by 5.

4. Each of my digits is different.

5. My digits add up to 8.

6. The tens digit is smaller than the

hundreds digit.

7. I am less than 300.

8. I have only one even digit.


Junior Challenge:


This puzzle is in three parts. You need to answer all

three parts.

  1. Use four 4's to make 44
  2. Use five 5's to make 55
  3. Use six 6's to make 66

Remember: You can use +, −, x , ÷ and = (even a combination of them!)


Good luck and enjoy!