It’s been a lovely week in school and though we didn’t have our room to work in for much of the week (we shared nicely with Mrs Keating!), we managed to get lots done.


The children worked incredibly hard with their phonics, reading and memory development. This week, we developed our auditory memory. We found that repeating a sequence and ‘chunking’ the items we needed to remember (into two, threes- rather than six), really helped. Play ‘I went to the zoo and saw…’ Who can remember the most animals? These games can help us to build our memory skills and this helps in all walks of life and not just for school.


The older A,G & T Groups have begun their project this week, looking at Camouflage and Mind Mapping. I will add in (if my technical skills allow!) a few photographs of their initial Mind Maps about what they know about camouflage and what they would like to know.   


My stars week, were Amy (year 6) and Keira (year 5), who both created very different and very good Mind Maps.


Time for this week’s challenge, it is the same for both Key Stages this week.  


How many different words can you make, using the word camouflage?




Good luck and enjoy!