A super-quick blog this week…places to go, things to do, people to see!

We have looked at word-based problems in mathematics and thought about how best to answer them, focussing on the specific elements of the question that we need to. The group did well and I’m sure that Ayyun, Zara, Joey, Niall and Wojciech will all do brilliantly next week – great mathematicians all. We also need to thank Mr Mearns who helped us out with a question that was confusing us all- Thank you!


In reading comprehension, Kiara, Wojciech, Niall, Rebecca and Ayyun all showed that they were great at answering three-mark questions…particularly when they make sure that they definitely answer the question and they do P.P.E., or my favourite: Mr P.E.E. (Point, Evidence, Explanation!) Wojciech did a particularly fantastic answer to a tricky poetry-based question - well done there.


Finally, the S.P.A.G. and writing group completed their work on writing an article on Adlington Hall and played some final grammar-related games and quizzes before next week. The writing was of a very high standard and they should all be very pleased with themselves- well done: Ayyun, Keira, Rebecca, Wojciech and Melissa.


I promised Wojciech and Ayyun, that I would find the punctuation song that they love and put it up here, so here you go guys…


Finally, the challenge this week is a quick ‘spot the difference’, great for challenging our visual acuity and fun too! There are 12 differences to find, can you spot them all? The puzzle is taken from: http://www.puzzlesandriddles.com/SpotTheDifference05.html


Have fun and enjoy! Finally (finally!), all the very best for all of our year 6 children for next week: be the best you can be.