This week in Gold class...

In English, we've been having fun creating Iron Menu's for The Iron Man! The food has ranged from giant turbo jet wings, to electric steel train tracks! We were not at all tempted to take a bite out of the copper washing machines and old, rusty tractors...mmmmm...

In Mathematics, we've been creating amazing power points on revision and scratch games asking questions on them. In both subjects, we have been working hard preparing for SATS but having fun all the time! :D

In P.E, we've been developing skills on bowling, batting in quick cricket! Many victory dances have been danced and sulky faces pulled but we are all still alive.

In Art, we've been drawing and sketching urban and rural places. We're starting to get a display ready. So keep your eyes peeled for the amazing display to come!

Special stuff 

RED, RED, RED and more RED. EVERYONE'S wearing red and red noses for Comic Relief! We've looked far and wide (through the small box we have bought) and hoped for the rare or ultra rare noses. We've found magical mermaids, brave knights in shining armor, cackling witches and funny jesters, still hoping for the excitement of a rare/ ultra rare noses...we can dream... ;)

The end of the week drew near and Friday came! I'm going to sleep now...Zzzzzz....