Another busy week!

Week commencing 18 March 2024


This week we have had a focused SATs revision week. The children have worked exceptionally hard working through Maths, SPAG, and Reading past papers, in focused groups with one of the four members of staff. We have also provided a range of online resources to…

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Welcome back Year 6!

Week commencing 19 February 2024


In Mathematics we have revised our topic of algebra. Within this skill, this week we have found missing values within a formula and played algebra dominoes. Whilst revising perimeter and area (of squares, rectangles, and triangles) we have also incorporated…

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Week 1 in Gold Class

Week commencing 08 January 2024


Welcome back to Gold Class! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Year 6 this week and I am looking forward to the rest of the term with them.

In Mathematics we have looked at fractions. We have learnt…

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Week six, last week of term

Week commencing 16 October 2023


In Mathematics we continued with fractions, looking at multiplication and dividing fractions by an integer. In arithmetic we have continued looking at conversions, specifically weight, distance, and volume.

In English we concluded our topic of the…

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Week 5 in Gold Class

Week commencing 02 October 2023


In Mathematics we gained an understanding of BODMAS, while in arithmetic we looked at fractions, applying our multiplication and division skills to various problems.

In English we continued our topic of the eruption at Pompeii. Having finished our diary…

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Week 4 in Gold Class

Week commencing 27 September 2023


In Mathematics we practiced mentally multiplying in powers of 10, as well as short division. While in Arithmetic we continued looking at short division as well as multiplication, specifically looking at word based problems using this written method.


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Week 3 in Gold Class

Week commencing 18 September 2023


In Mathematics we revised adding and subtracting numbers with varying decimal places.

In English continued our Pompeii diary entry, focusing on the key grammatical and linguistic features of diary writing (use of adverbials of time, informal language,…

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Week 2 in Gold Class

Week commencing 11 September 2023


This week we afforded our Year 6 class the opportunity to address the school (Yr2 – Yr6) to put themselves forward for Head Roles this year. During the week, every pupil in Years 2 – 6, along with all member of staff, have voted. In this Friday’s assembly,…

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Week 1 in Gold class

Week commencing 04 September 2023


Welcome back to Gold Class! Our students are relaxed after a wonderful summer break and both Mr Blackburn and Mr Mears are raring to go.

In Mathematics we have set targets and recapped place values.

In English we have set our aims alongside revising…

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An Active Week

Image of An Active Week

In our final week before half term we have once again been very active and have made the most of the nice weather outside.


  1. We have been practising for Sports Day (first Tuesday back after half term!) with some of the other classes, practising: 100m sprint, hurdles, obstacle courses and…
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An Enterprising Week

Image of An Enterprising Week

This week was our first since completing our SATs last week. We began focusing on our Enterprise Project which is a project that hits multiple curriculum areas whist working towards a goal after SATs.


  1. We began by discussing our ideas for the Enterprise Project, deciding that we would…
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Image of SATS Week

This week we have been completing our SATs tests that we have been revising for the last couple of weeks and working towards throughout the academic year.


  1. On Tuesday we had the SPAG tests and the Spelling test. This tested our knowledge of words classes an punctuation.
  2. On Wednesday it…
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