Week commencing 19 February 2024


In Mathematics we have revised our topic of algebra. Within this skill, this week we have found missing values within a formula and played algebra dominoes. Whilst revising perimeter and area (of squares, rectangles, and triangles) we have also incorporated algebraic skills.

In English this week we have focused on inference skills looking at various short stories including ‘Fantastic, Funny, Frightening’ and ‘Water water water’. Using these stories we have also examined genre, dialogue, and the structure of short stories. In SPAG we revised our simple and perfect tenses.

In Science, our new topic is How Light Travels. This week we looked at how light travels in straight lines, how light reflects off objects, and as a consequence how the eye is able to see.

In Geography we have begun our topic of Eastern Europe, identifying the countries in this region and pinpointing the counties and their capitals on the map.

In PE we have begun our new topic of Gymnastics. We learned various balances and rolls culminating in a gymnastic sequence that included travel into a balance, roll into a jump, ending with a final balance.

In RE, as we head into Easter, we have retold the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

In computing, moving forward from our Microbit coding last half term, we have begun designing a large scale Microbit project in groups.

In the run up to SATs, the Year 6 class will now be assigned homework. This week they have been set pages 60, 61, and 62 in their Key Stage 2 Maths Work books. Extra work can also be completed: pages 55 and 56.

Happy Birthday to Anu. Thank you so much for celebrating with us.

This week’s award winners this week are -

  • Star of the Week: Kayden
  • Merit:   Toby and Scarlett
  • Good Friend Award: Noah
  • Parkinson Polite Award: Josh