Another busy week!

Week commencing 18 March 2024


This week we have had a focused SATs revision week. The children have worked exceptionally hard working through Maths, SPAG, and Reading past papers, in focused groups with one of the four members of staff. We have also provided a range of online resources to…

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Welcome back Year 6!

Week commencing 19 February 2024


In Mathematics we have revised our topic of algebra. Within this skill, this week we have found missing values within a formula and played algebra dominoes. Whilst revising perimeter and area (of squares, rectangles, and triangles) we have also incorporated…

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Week 1 in Gold Class

Week commencing 08 January 2024


Welcome back to Gold Class! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Year 6 this week and I am looking forward to the rest of the term with them.

In Mathematics we have looked at fractions. We have learnt…

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