Week commencing 27 September 2023


In Mathematics we practiced mentally multiplying in powers of 10, as well as short division. While in Arithmetic we continued looking at short division as well as multiplication, specifically looking at word based problems using this written method.

In English continued our Pompeii diary entry, reading through each other’s work and providing feedback to our peers. We performing a few of the diary entries for the whole class. And in SPAG we revised our synonyms and antonyms.

In History we have continued our WW2 topic, looking at the definition and implications of bias.

In Art we have continued looking at Andy Warhol and his Pop Art. We took a virtual tour through an exhibition, looking through his various painting and prints, and then created our own Warhol inspired art.

In Computing we continued text based adventure game in Python, taking particular care in using our English narrative skills.

In RE we looked the Christian belief in death and resurrection. We discussed our own beliefs of the afterlife, and the reasons the dead are treated with respect in every culture and throughout history.

In PSHCE we have continued on our topic of friendship. We have begun a three week collaborative project, working in groups to create Friendship Magazines. This incorporates skills including teamwork, project management, English narrative and newspaper writing, and the reinforcing what we have learnt about the desired qualities of friendship.

In PE we have continued our choreography of our Afrobeats inspired street dance with Miss Leah. With Mr Mearns this week we have continued with our gymnastics module, continuing with our use of apparatus (balls and hoops) to create a short controlled rhythmic-style gymnastic routines.

Our award winners this week are -

  • Star of the Week:                 Bailey
  • Merit:                                   Eva and Scarlett
  • Good Friend Award:             Toby

                    Parkinson Polite Award:        Noah