Week six, last week of term

Week commencing 16 October 2023


In Mathematics we continued with fractions, looking at multiplication and dividing fractions by an integer. In arithmetic we have continued looking at conversions, specifically weight, distance, and volume.

In English we concluded our topic of the…

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Week 5 in Gold Class

Week commencing 02 October 2023


In Mathematics we gained an understanding of BODMAS, while in arithmetic we looked at fractions, applying our multiplication and division skills to various problems.

In English we continued our topic of the eruption at Pompeii. Having finished our diary…

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Week 4 in Gold Class

Week commencing 27 September 2023


In Mathematics we practiced mentally multiplying in powers of 10, as well as short division. While in Arithmetic we continued looking at short division as well as multiplication, specifically looking at word based problems using this written method.


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Week 3 in Gold Class

Week commencing 18 September 2023


In Mathematics we revised adding and subtracting numbers with varying decimal places.

In English continued our Pompeii diary entry, focusing on the key grammatical and linguistic features of diary writing (use of adverbials of time, informal language,…

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Week 2 in Gold Class

Week commencing 11 September 2023


This week we afforded our Year 6 class the opportunity to address the school (Yr2 – Yr6) to put themselves forward for Head Roles this year. During the week, every pupil in Years 2 – 6, along with all member of staff, have voted. In this Friday’s assembly,…

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Week 1 in Gold class

Week commencing 04 September 2023


Welcome back to Gold Class! Our students are relaxed after a wonderful summer break and both Mr Blackburn and Mr Mears are raring to go.

In Mathematics we have set targets and recapped place values.

In English we have set our aims alongside revising…

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Week 6 in Diamond class

In maths we have been doing division using the bus stop method.

In English we have finished reading ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. We also have made a power point all about Michael Morpurgo.

In PE we have been doing gymnastics and races.

In RE we’ve been learning about Moses.

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Week 9 Diamond Class

This week has been a busy week in year 5. We have continued to work hard on our maths skills. Each day we have been working through some start of the day activities which concentrate on our basic skills. In English we have been reading and studying poems written by Charles Causley and Michael…

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SATs practice and bouncy castles in Gold class

Still going with the SAT’s practice.

In Gold class this week we have been working on our Maths and English. This is so we are as ready for SAT’s as we can be.

In English we have been working on our ‘Give Blood’ campaign. We looked at books, posters, websites and TV adverts to see which…

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A fun week including WBD 2020 in Gold class

Full steam ahead in Gold class.

In English this week we have been working on a fictional recount. We looked at Vampire bats and Mosquitos. These 2 creatures drink blood from humans to survive. We wrote a recount of our ‘fictional’ encounter of one of these.

This week’s Maths started with…

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First week back after a wet holiday

What a busy first week back in Gold class.

This week in maths we have been focusing on fractions. We worked on improper fractions; multiplying fractions and equivalent fractions.

In English we have been looking at the body’s circulatory system. Finding out what words like ‘platelets’ and…

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Last week of half term

This week in Gold class in English we have been focusing on poems in different ways such as searching for verbs and finding there definitions in the dictionary (toils: to work hard, slake : to quench).

In maths we have been focusing on written method strategies for a variety of things.


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