End of the week with red noses

We have come to the end of another busy week. The week began with all the children paining a pot with Jane from ‘Fire 4 U’. Jane then took the pots back to her studio to be glazed, dried and then fired in one of her kilns. Jane has emailed me to say that the pots have gone into her kiln called…

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Science week in Silver class

Science week has come to an end in Silver class. We have been investigating forces in action. Our task was to design and build a parachute or some other design to support an egg dropped from the top of a set of ladders. At the start of the week we looked at how parachutes work. We then split into…

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A very busy week

Finally Friday night has arrived. What a busy week we have all had in silver class. The week started with our lessons as normal on Monday. Shrove Tuesday was then lots of fun. All the classes had time slots in the staff room to make pancakes. Mr Mearns took charges of the pan and made us all…

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Another week goes by

Well it is hard to believe that it is Friday again. It only seems like yesterday that I was writing our blog for last week.

In silver class this week Miss Desai has continued teaching our maths and english lessons. These are going really well. Today the children finished writing their reports…

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End of the week 27th Jan

The end of another week has come. We have all been working well in silver class this week. The children have been working hard with Miss Desai in the mornings on english and maths. In the afternoons we have lots going on. Check out the photos in the gallery for the Joggling ( yes I said Joggling )…

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The new spring term

The new term has started in silver class. We have all come back to school after our Christmas break with new enthusiasm. A big welcome to our new class member Gabriel. Another welcome to Miss Desai who will be teaching the class alongside Mr Mearns.

Over the past 3 weeks we have been working on…

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