End of a busy month

We have come to the end September and welcomed in October. We have been so busy in class that time really does seem to have flown by.

Many thanks to all the parents who either sent items in for the harvest assembly this morning or who managed to attend. We do hope that you enjoyed watching the…

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What a busy week

Image of What a busy week

The end of a very busy week has arrived. The week started with our spelling test and ended with our celebration of fund raising for MacMillan Cancer support.

A very big thank you to all the parents of children in our class for attending the coffee morning and a very well done to Thomas for…

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End of week 2 in Diamond Class

Week 2 has come to an end in Diamond class. We have been working on poetry this week in our English lessons. This ended with a presented poem based upon the poem Loop the loop. In maths we have been getting better at adding and subtracting numbers in our heads or choosing the best written method…

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A very busy week

This week has been the busiest week of the year so far (well it feels like it). This week saw the dress rehearsal for the school production of Greased, followed by the final showing to an audience on Wednesday. All those who attended said it was amazing and how well the children had performed.…

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Busy week of rehearsals, tests and summer fayre

This week has been a busy week with rehearsals for the summer play, summer fayre and end of year tests.

In the English lessons we have done we have been writing diary entries about how we would feel if we encountered the Iron Man.

This week’s geography was focused on where our foods come…

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The week ends quickly

This week has gone very fast in Silver class. Not only have we been busy with our lessons but some of us have been busy with our rehearsals.

Subject review

RE- This week we have been looking how Hindus worship at home (as well as at the temple) to a shrine. We then created our own class…

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Week ending the 16thJune

This week in silver class we have been very busy. This is what we have been doing:-

In Geography we have been researching earthquakes. We have been understanding the impact that they have on people and the landscape.

In English we have started a new unit of work studying the Iron Man bool by…

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Indoor cycling!

Image of Indoor cycling!

Our week in silver class has concluded with our class sponsored event. We have been riding an exercise bike lent to us by Mrs Preston. We took it in turns throughout the day and managed a total of 232km in just over 6 hours. Everyone in class took part several times. Look at the photos on the…

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Interviews in Silver Class

This week in History, silver class have been continuing to study the Indus Valley with Miss Merraoui. One of the focuses was on the type of jobs which they would carry out if they lived in the Indus Valley over 4000 years ago. The children created their own job adverts.

Keelie was looking for a…

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The heat is on

The heat was turned up this week in silver class. Temperatures of 25 degrees inside class were seen on the thermometers in class and 27 degrees outside the class room. In class a busy week was had by all. We all enjoyed the bank holiday on Monday and look forward to the next one at the end of…

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End of another week

I cannot believe how quick the weeks are going. We have already had 2 weeks in our last term of the school year. In PE we have started some work on aspects of athletics. This week we have focused upon running. We have looked at how to run better and to put this into practice. In maths with Miss…

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End of a quick week!

First week back

The end of our first week back after Easter sees the sun coming out so hopefully we will have a good weekend. We have been working hard this week on division in mathematics. Some of us found this very hard to do. The week seems to have gone by very fast. The children took home a…

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