End of another busy week in Gold Class

Another busy week in Gold Class…

In maths we have been exploring angles and finding ways of working out missing angles (without using a protractor).

Did you know the interior angles of a Nonagon (9 sided shape) equal 1260°

In English we looked at verbs in poems. We learnt that the word…

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Going For Gold

Image of Going For Gold

Going For Gold

We have had a very busy half term in Gold Class. So busy in fact that this is the first blog that we have done. We have had lots of fun, hard work and some tears during the past 6 weeks. Today has been an excellent day for all the children in the class. We have been taking part…

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WE November 9th

Image of WE November 9th

This week in diamond class we have been very busy as usual. During our maths lessons we have been using a formal written method for subtraction and calculating the perimeter of polygons. In English we have started a new unit of work looking at a non-fiction text about animal migration.


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A busy but fun week in Diamond Class

Image of A busy but fun week in Diamond Class

In English we are reading a book called Friend or foe, this story is about two boys who are evacuated from London to Devon in the World War 2. We wrote our own version of chapter 7, we all did a very good job.

In Maths we are doing time, we also looked at train times and television times. We…

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Where did the summer go? Here we go, week 1.

This week in English we have been learning about poetry and this morning we did a 45 minute nonstop big write .Yesterday we wrote a letter pretending we was a little girl called Lulu.


This week in maths we did place value and we did missing numbers. Also in maths we did work in our little…

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The week ended with lift off


On Monday we had assembly and then we did SPAG. After that we did English and in English we did this new topic called Pitch It and we watched videos of people trying to get money to start a new business. After that it was break time and after break time it was maths, in maths we started…

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A hot week in diamond class

Image of A hot week in diamond class

This week has been a very hot week in school. In English we have been working on a new theme with Miss Desai. The outcome of the theme will be the pitching of a new idea to a panel of judges. This week we have been thinking about what the product could be.

In maths we have been plotting…

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A fantastic day to end the week

Image of A fantastic day to end the week

A sunny week ending in a party.

This week has been a very busy week at school. It has been the annual week that the year 6 pupils do their end of year SAT tests.

In diamond class we started the week with swimming lessons at Fulwood. The rest of Monday was spent with Mrs Johnson doing our art…

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Friday and the sun has come out!

The Blog


We did swimming in the morning we had to go in our clothes because we did water safety. After that it was lunch then we did history with Miss Johnson.


We did singing with Miss Benet then we had are first lesson with Miss Desai doing maths and after lunch we did…

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A great week in Diamond class


On Monday after assembly we did swimming until dinner time. Then we had Mrs Jonson and we did PHSE. After that we did geography and then we talked about what we did in the weekend then it was star box and then we went home.


On Tuesday we did singing with Mrs Bennet after…

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A very busy, but sunny week.


On Monday we had assembly and then did our spellings until it was time for SPAG. At 10:30 we went swimming until lunch time. After lunch we had Mrs Johnson and we did history and then we did star box and then it was home time.



On Tuesday we   did singing with Mrs.…

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Diamond class, summer term week 1


On Monday we went swimming when we got back it was lunch in the afternoon it was Mrs Johnson and we learnt about Joseph William Turner with boats and ships. Then it was home time.


On Tuesday we did maths and in maths we did polygons from written instructions. Then it was…

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