
On Monday we had assembly and then did our spellings until it was time for SPAG. At 10:30 we went swimming until lunch time. After lunch we had Mrs Johnson and we did history and then we did star box and then it was home time.



On Tuesday we   did singing with Mrs. Bennett. After singing we did SPAG and then we did English. In English we did what we thought a character was thinking in a story. Then it was break time. After break we did Maths, in maths we did polygons. Then it was lunch time after lunch we did P.E and then it was science after science it was home time.



On Wednesday we did SPAG. After SPAG it was English, in English we have been doing Greek myths all week. After break it was maths, in maths we have been doing converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Then it was lunch time. After lunch we did art about Joseph Mallard William Turner with Mrs Johnson then it was home time.



On Thursday we did SPAG, then mental maths. After mental maths we did English, in English we did thoughts about Theseus out of the Greek myths story .Then it was break. After break we did maths, in maths we did investigating proper and improper fractions. After that it was lunch time after lunch we did computing in computing we did investigating sculptures using 3d drawing software. After that we did P.E in P.E we did cricket outside.


First we had celebration assembly with Mrs Parkinson. Then in English we did some writing in a given time. We had to choose an idea from 3 different ones. Then we had 35 minutes to write our idea out. After break we did multiplying a proper fraction by a whole number. After lunch we did some things in class then played outside in the sun whilst it was nice.


Star of the week was Noah.

Merit winners are – Ruby and Leon.

Next week we are having a non-uniform day on Monday because it is St. George’s day. Red, white and blue clothes if possible. People going swimming need to take their swimming stuff and a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for swimming in.