Another busy week in Gold Class…

In maths we have been exploring angles and finding ways of working out missing angles (without using a protractor).

Did you know the interior angles of a Nonagon (9 sided shape) equal 1260°

In English we looked at verbs in poems. We learnt that the word ‘slake’ means to quench. On Wednesday we wrote a newspaper article about the destruction of Pompeii.

We continued our Science/Computing project of Christmas decorations. The circuit making is very difficult but with a bit of patience and team work we are managing to get them done. (See the photographs in our webpage gallery).

We managed to get our Anderson shelters finished this week and we got to show them off in Friday’s assembly. We have also made a lovely display in the main corridor so we can show them off some more. (See more photographs)

Mr Herd got all of the climbing, holding and swinging apparatus out for us to go on. We are trying to build up our upper body strength and work on our balance. (Photos available in the gallery)