
On Monday after assembly we did swimming until dinner time. Then we had Mrs Jonson and we did PHSE. After that we did geography and then we talked about what we did in the weekend then it was star box and then we went home.


On Tuesday we did singing with Mrs Bennet after that we did SPAG then we read the last bit of our story that we have been doing for the past 2 weeks about Greek Myths. After break we did mathematics, in maths we did subtraction. After lunch we did P.E after P.E we did science after that it was home time.


On Wednesday we did SPaG then we did English. In English we did planed our own Greek myths story. After break we did maths, in maths we did subtraction. After lunch time we had Mrs Jonson. We did art, in art we have been doing Joseph Mallard William Turner after that we did PHSE after that we did star box then it was home time.


On Thursday we did English in English we did our Beginning and Middle of our story after that it was break after break it was maths in maths we did investigating subtractions after that it was lunch time after lunch we did computing then P.E then it was home time.


On Friday we finished our English stories until lunch time and then we had science were we thought about different materials and created a plan for a testing session we will do next week. Then we had golden time then it was home time.

By Ella, Keelie.

Star of the week – Jack

Merit awards to – Lexi and Hayden