Week commencing 18 September 2023


In Mathematics we revised adding and subtracting numbers with varying decimal places.

In English continued our Pompeii diary entry, focusing on the key grammatical and linguistic features of diary writing (use of adverbials of time, informal language, first person past tense etc.). We then moved on to planning and writing our own diary entry from the perspective of an individual in Pompeii on the day of the explosion.

In Science we have continued with our topic of classification, moving on from vertebrates and looking at invertebrates – such as protozoa, molluscs, arthropods etc.

In Art we have continued looking at Andy Warhol and his Pop Art. Having taken inspiration from his Screen Print Portraits of Marilyn Monroe and Chairman Mao, we have made our own self-portraits.

In computing we completed our plan of our text based adventure game, and began to write the plot whilst simultaneously coding the first set of choices in Python.

In PSHCE we have continued our topic of friendship, and the various qualities which make good reliable friends.

In History we have continued our WW2 topic, looking at the influence and danger of propaganda.

In Arithmetic we have reviewed our known methods to solve multiplication.

In SPAG we have revised our verbs (being, doing, and modal) and adverbs.

In PE we have continued our choreography of our Afrobeats inspired street dance with Miss Leah. With Mr Mearns this week we have continues gymnastics, specifically looking at our various rolls. This week we have included apparatus (balls and hoops) to create a short controlled rhythmic-style gymnastic routines.

Our award winners this week are -

  • Star of the Week:       Cassius
  • Merit:                      Aaron and Iyla-Rose
  • Good Friend Award:   Jamie-Leigh
  • Parkinson Polite Award: Lucy