We're Back!

Image of We're Back!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful half term and done lots of fun things, but also had chance to relax after a really busy first half term.

Here is a top 4 of things we have done in our first few days back.

  1. We have started our Gymnastics unit in PE. This week we practised and performed…
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A Productive Final Week

Image of A Productive Final Week

In English this week we concluded our Iron Man topic by writing our Interview Transcripts. In these we tried to change the formality between our characters by using formal and informal language, by carefully selecting appropriate punctuation and by switching between expanded and contracted form.…

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Matchstalk Men

Image of Matchstalk Men

We have completed our Lowry portraits and these are now being proudly displayed outside the Year 6 classroom. Instead of drawing further portraits we studied Lowry’s Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs and then created our own sculpture based on his work.


In Science, we built upon…

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Classification…with a twist

Image of Classification…with a twist

This week began with Monday afternoon of Science where we began to learn about Classification diagrams. We learnt what these were (one or two of us remembered from Year 4!) and then had a go at creating our own classification diagrams – firstly with fake ‘flanimal’ creatures and then with…

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Image of BODMAS

What another busy week we have had in Gold class.


We began the week learning about BODMAS in Mathematics. We learnt that BODMAS is the order in which you should answer calculations.







We then began…

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Read All About It!

Image of Read All About It!

Our focus throughout the week was creating our own Newspaper that details the events that happened in Pompeii.


Throughout the week we:

  1. Identified the key features of a newspaper article. We found that a newspaper needs: a name for the newspaper, a main headline, a ‘by line’, cost,…
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Top 5 Moments of Week 2

Image of Top 5 Moments of Week 2
  1. This week we began our new PE topic of Hockey. We started the topic by practising our push pass and trapping skills. These are basic skills that will allow us to pass and control the ball with accuracy.
  2. In English we began our Pompeii topic. We learnt about what happened in Pompeii in 79AD…
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Welcome Back

Image of Welcome Back

A massive welcome back after an incredibly busy summer! Where has the time gone? I hope you have had a fantastic summer and that you are ready for your final year of Pool House.


This has been a week of getting used to the new routines and expectations of year 6. We decided upon…

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Tower Wood

We have had a fantastic week at Tower Wood. A massive thank you to Amy, Paul and Nick who were our instructors throughout the week! We had a brilliant week, trying out a range of activities that we had never had the chance to experience before. Below are our top moment of the week.


  1. We…
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Euro 2020 Themed Day

We have had another busy week, rounded off by our Euro 2020 Themed Day to celebrate the current tournament (Come On England!!) Below is a brief overview of what we did during the themed day.


  1. All of KS2 entered a competition where we had to design our own Pool House Football Kit and…
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A Week In Isolation

This week we were in isolation from Monday to Thursday but we still managed to achieve a lot!


  1. We continued learning about Algebra, which is what we had been learning about in Mathematics last week. We carried out a number of multi-step questions involving algebraic equations.


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The End Of The Jabberwocky

Image of The End Of The Jabberwocky


On Monday, we started the day as normal with a spelling test. After break, we did some volume in Mathematics. In the afternoon, we did RE and learnt about the soul, then we did orienteering with Mr Blackburn



We started, the day with some handwriting practice and then…

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