
Image of Chernobyl

We began learning about Chernobyl in Geography. We watched a range of clips that gave us an insight into what happened at Chernobyl the day the reactor exploded. We then had to write a diary entry from the perspective of someone who was being evacuated from their home after the eruption. In the…

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Red Nose Day 2022

Image of Red Nose Day 2022

This week we celebrated Comic Relief on Friday. To celebrate this in Gold Class we played HeadHunters alongside Year 5. In this game we had to find each of this years Red Noses alongside the original Red Nose and the Comic Relief Logo. In the afternoon we took part in a ‘Design Your Own Red Nose…

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The Jabberwocky

Image of The Jabberwocky

Welcome back after what I hope was a fantastic half term for all of you. Below are our top 4 moments from our first week of Spring Term 2.


  1. We began our new English topic of The Jabberwocky. The Jabberwocky is a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll. This week we read through the poem…
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A Busy Final Week

Image of A Busy Final Week

We have had a fantastic final week of Spring Term 1 in Gold Class. As always it has been a very busy week, which has rounded off a busy half term. However, whilst being busy, we have also learnt lots and had lots of fun.


  1. On Monday we created our own Mayan Xocolatl, which is the Mayan…
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Abstract Collage

Image of Abstract Collage
  1. We spent the week learning about Harry Potter in English. We read the early chapters of ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’ up to when Hagrid gives Harry his letter of invitation to Hogwarts. We then placed ourselves in Harry’s shoes and created our own letter of response to Dumbledore – either accepting…
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Fossilisation Fun

Image of Fossilisation Fun
  1. This week we built on our learning from the past two weeks in Science and had a go at creating our own fossils using clay, shells, plaster and sand amongst other materials. We have left this to dry over the weekend and plan to excavate them early next week.
  2. We began our new topic of Harry…
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Thank Goodness

Image of Thank Goodness
  1. This week we continued our short story topic in English and created our own short stories based on the story ‘Thank Goodness’ written by Michael Rosen. We then shared these stories with the class, either through reading them out or through acting the story out in groups.
  2. In Mathematics we…
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Happy New Year

Image of Happy New Year

A massive Happy New Year to you all. I hope that you all had a fantastic half term and have come back refreshed for Spring TERM.


Here are the highlights of our first week back:

  1. We began our new Science topic about Evolution and Inheritance. We analysed a range of fossils and…
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A Sheltered Life

Image of A Sheltered Life

This week our main focus has been on creating our Anderson Shelters. For the last few weeks we have carried out research into how and why Anderson shelters were made and used during World War Two and then we designed our own. This week we worked together in pairs and groups to create our shelters.…

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Formal or Informal?

Image of Formal or Informal?

We have had another busy week in Gold Class this week.


Throughout the week in English we developed our understanding of formal and informal language and the difference between the two. We identified formal language in a text and wrote a formal letter using prompts in preparation for…

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Children In Need

Image of Children In Need

In English, we have started learning about formal and informal language, with an eventual aim of writing a formal letter to Mrs Cole!  

In Mathematics, we have been plotting co-ordinates across all four quadrants of a grid as well as reflecting various shapes across a mirror line too.


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We Will Remember Them

Image of We Will Remember Them

On Thursday we remembered those who gave their lives so that we can live the lives that we lead today. We wrote war poetry in the morning to conclude our English topic that we began last week. Then we read some of these poems before our two minutes silence. After the two minutes silence, each…

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