This week our main focus has been on creating our Anderson Shelters. For the last few weeks we have carried out research into how and why Anderson shelters were made and used during World War Two and then we designed our own. This week we worked together in pairs and groups to create our shelters. Have a look at our gallery for examples of this.


In English we finished writing our formal letters of complaint to Mrs Cole. These will be handed to her early next week and we eagerly await her feedback to these!


In Gymnastics we continued to practise a range of jumps – tuck, pike, straight, star, 180, 360 – using a variety of apparatus.


In Geography we followed up our learning about Death Valley last week by focusing on the ‘ghost town’ of Rhyolite. We watched some clips about Rhyolite then and now before reading a diary entry from the perspective of someone who lived there during the ‘gold rush’. We then had to plan our own diary entry from someone living there during this era ready to write up in best next week.


In Music this week we continued our learning about the history of music, focusing on Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. We also began singing a range of Christmas themed songs in preparation for the upcoming festive time of the year.