This week we have been learning all about the book ‘Stickman’. The children have been thinking about their own families and it has been lovely hearing about all the different families we have in Pool House. We learned how to draw stickman families and the children drew some beautiful stick pictures.
In math’s we have been learning about ordering lengths from smallest to biggest. The children enjoyed ordering our stick characters in continuous provision. We have also been continuing our work on basic skills and numbers to 10. The children have been working hard on their subitising skills, saying how many items they can see without counting them. They are getting much more confident with this each week.
In our RE lessons, the children have been learning all about the true meaning of Christmas. We have been learning all about Mary and Joseph and the special baby Jesus.
Star of the week - Skylar
Merit awards – Lewis and Rome
Good friend award – Nelly
Football award – Cruz
Have a super weekend and carry on being little super stars again next week. Mrs Smith, Miss Bryson and Mrs Hudson.